A downloadable Speedrunner for Windows and Linux

Instead of starting small with the unfamiliar Godot Engine, I tried to make a wicked awesome speed-running game. As you can see by the detailed assets it was a complete success.  

I used as few tutorials as possible to create this game and it probably shows, but at least I didn't go through tutorial hell. You can do that for me.

Made for Untitled Game Jam #94, exported mere minutes after the deadline TᴖT

Post your lowest times on each level in the comments.



You can press 'R' to restart within a level and in the "Obliteration" menu


B/c the game is coded weird you have to press move left/right to apply your speed boost.

E.g. if you do a flip your speed multiplier won't apply until you press Move Left or Move Right.

I'll probably change this so it isn't so arduous to boost. Or make it an intentional feature.

Flip Parrying

If you parry while flipping you'll feel really cool. 


1.0.5 - Quick Quality of Life

  • Pause Menu - Press "Esc"
  • Level Select Menu
  • Best Times
    • Displayed in Level Select
    • Should save when "Quit" button is pressed

Updated 21 hours ago
Published 4 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux


Tutorial_Hell_ver_1.0.5.exe 66 MB
Tutorial_Hell_Linux_ver_1.0.5.zip 21 MB
Tutorial_Hell_Jam_Export.exe 66 MB


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(5 edits)

Lowest Times:

Lvl 1: 6.37

Lvl 2: 4.03

Lvl 3: 3.65

Lvl 4: 5.81

Lvl 5: 6.39