Five Star Inn, originally named "Galactic Hospitality" is a small unfinished visual novel project I started in Summer 2024. The story follows Captain Lux and their crew's mission to turn their little space dinghy into the Queen's chosen hotel. While the crew is well equipped, the only qualified person on the team is the pilot, who doesn't believe they'll succeed. Lux must bring themself and their crew up to snuff if they ever hope to welcome the Queen onboard.

What I currently have posted is the intro section of the story, made in Twine, where you meet all of the crew members. The appearance of each crew member is shown in the "Meet the Cast" image. These appearances were co-designed with an artist friend of mine, and were drawn by me.

Creating this was a fun world-building and character-designing exercise for me. Maybe one day I'll come back to this project, but it may look radically different at that point. Regardless designing the Five Star Inn was a fun learning experience!

Updated 7 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreVisual Novel
Made withTwine

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